Monday, September 1, 2014

The Steve Dunlop 'Statue' Award

Who can question the passion Brian 'Dallas' Donnelly has for 'The Relics', from rugby tackles in the penalty box to confronting comments on the blog, nothing stops this man from expressing the way he feels about 'The Relics'. 

Congratulations Dallas on being awarded 'The Steve Dunlop 'Statue' Award, very well deserved.


  1. Well done brian on a quick note to all the players that have not won a premiership before sorry i could not do a better job for you guys in the shoot out -from bob

  2. Bob,I don't think we would have been in the GF if you hadn't turned up and took over from that pretender we had in goals.

  3. Congrats dallas ,,

  4. A well deserved award for the Weirdo...


Are we doing this again???