Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Winning formula !!!

What do you think Becks?


  1. If this is Becks v/s rest then it is unfair. Becks would run rings around the lot of you!

  2. As much as it hurts me to heap praise upon someone who has done nothing but try to besmirch my undoubted talent and ability for years now. I must say that Ms Beckham's kudos has been raised immensley after he/she's effort on Tues. night. Whilst the nameless softc%&^s sat, laughed and drank themselves to a stupor, DavPosh soldiered on with a debilitating injury showing true fighting spirit and a total commitment to the Relics cause.
    I doff my cap to you Mr. C.

  3. RAMON from the Grave/Bloody sharkesMay 27, 2011 at 5:12 PM

    When POSH writes under another name, his /her choice of writing style gives her away.

    POSH POSH I wish i was as good as you !



Are we doing this again???