Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kotter or Youth- Either way he's welcome back !

Juts to confirm that Laurie Blair has accepted and will become the Relic's 19th registered player for the season. Laurie is an ex club president, but more importantly has the rare privilege of having played with Mick,Vic,Pete, Grant, Banker and myself. Hes a genuinely nice guy, and a pretty good footballer (once we get him fit).
I think he last played in 2006 and the club has been waiting for him to make a come back.
The signs appropriate (Laurie/Lorry) gettit ?


  1. Makes for an interesting nick-name. Mack, Chevy, Linfox - any other ideas?

  2. Rental , Two Ton , Diesel , B-Double , Road Train , Freezer , Space ( trucker ).

  3. Heeellloooo the actor, Peter Lorre


Are we doing this again???