Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hows to Make A Statue jealous !!

After a successful 1-0 demolition of the combined might of Southerns Over 35s teams, it is understandable that our 13 players would be tired. SEU had a squad of 21 who couldnt break the impentrable defence, ably assisted by our stand in keeper "Bloss". The combination of heat and long grass was understandably tiring, but not so much that the lads couldn't engage in further hi jinks. In the absence of our regular statue, Tony stripped off whilst Grant snapped on the latex gloves and applied the lubricant. What we didn't expect of Butts in his standin role (hur ,hur get in stand in!!) was for him to develop a smile as well. Obviously Statue has rubbed off on us more than we'd thought. A great days guys, well done. Also note that due to popular acclaim we will now play next Saturday, same time same place.


  1. Oh my, and I thought Micks picture posts were bad!
    Censor, where are you!

  2. Holger, as Engrish is not yer natif langwich we assume you ment "you guys discussed me", which we did and decided that your backlines tactics stink and if you'd consult with Crowch more AUSTRALIA could get through to semis next World cup. !

  3. Not there to play with for a couple of games!!!

    And look what happens!!!!!


Are we doing this again???