Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thanks Coops

The one that got away, Thanks Coops for helping out and playing on injured, much appreciated. Yes a great effort by everyone especially in the second half with no bench and Vic battling the Flu. Also personal thanks for Statue and Wheats throwing on the keeper jersey and Whiz for rearranging his day to give us the first half..

Lets dust off the soreness and do it all again today.

1 comment:

  1. And i'd like to thank our fans, our friends, and our long suffering family.

    But most of all i want to thank our God "FIFA" and 20th century technology for bringing us the World Cup Live. And it's many disciples The English Premier, La Liga, A League etc etc....

    Oh yes and our new Unelected Leader HRH The Ranga. All hail the Ranga !


Are we doing this again???