Saturday, April 4, 2009

Relics 1 Gummies 0

 Got away with this one, general comment  is the better side lost on the day. But I think we started slow and finished the better team and a win is a win, show me the points, well done guys.

Thanks to Mariela we have about 1hrs worth of film clips of the game, this one is shadows goal. Stay tuned for clips such as ...Brian on a roll, Max kicks ground, How do you like your steak guys?, Mick lands and statues chance... and many more coming soon.


  1. Quality finish there Shadow. A goal made in London. Chelsea to Tottenham and the result was never in doubt

  2. Quality finish shadow, is it the first goal in the first game in the first win in the first 45's comp on the Central Coast. History in the making. Crowy

  3. Go you good things,I wish I could have been there. Well done guys. SteveO


Are we doing this again???