Sunday, August 21, 2011

Some Relics in Action


  1. I can make out most people in the photos...but who are the wankers in the photo top left

  2. looks great any more

  3. Now i know why my left ankle is sore

    all that pwer supported by such a strong base

    just like a thorough bred horse

  4. The Greeks are watching this final seriesAugust 22, 2011 at 6:02 PM

    Statue be careful with that heel

    Legends like the relic Merman (beginning with a poem by heroginees in the 1st century AD) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel.

    As he died because of a small wound in his heel, the term "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a person's principal weakness.

  5. What Anonymous you tosser, those wankers on the hill are real football players that can actually play the game and not look like the spastics in the front of the photos!

  6. At least you agree you are WANKERS.

    As for the PC (that’s politically IN correct comment) well ???

    Just reinforces how you wish to try and spoil what’s supposed to be fun.

    Instead of hiding why not front up and support !!!!


Are we doing this again???