Monday, April 6, 2009

Nothing is easy.

I started loading the next clip to the blog about 2hrs before going to the coach and managers meeting came back and it's still loading. So I'll stick to pictures for the blog and maybe we can use these and others clips collected through the year and put them on a disk for everyone.

Another time consuming task is mins played for every player, unless anyone thinks this is important to have on the blog I will also not worry about it.

In the meeting today I asked to move our training area closer to the lights but apparently both areas either side of the mid size field are being preserved as much as possible for the little kids.


  1. One day they'll drop and everything will be easier lol

  2. With most of the team being either partically blind and deaf, I believe it to be good OHS to stick us where the light shines!!!!!

  3. I'm not concerned with time on the pitch

    As log as I get some (time that is

    Steved statue


Are we doing this again???