Bloody hell. What a shocker. The socceroos were hopeless. West Ham knew exactly what they were doing when they cut Neill. Too old, too slow and with a "Oh poor me mindset". He's too busy appealing to the ref for non-existent offsides instead of actually marking somebody. Its why West Ham got rid of him, he gives his keeper the heeby jeebies yelling at linesmen instead of playing football. With the ginger minge Moore perfecting the role of an aging out of practice (puff?) defender the Aussies continually had 5 defenders marking nobody. Chipperfield also had a shocker, giving his opponent way too much space. This could have been 8 or 9 - 1 (The Aussies should have got a penalty at 3-0). No Kewell, no Bresciano, 4-0 down and what do we do, bring on a defender already knowing that Ghana had won. Great !! Typical dour European mentality from Verbeek, lets huddle here and do nothing, hopefully things will just fix themselves!&$#**. No wonder Europe is a bloody mess, its a Central American laziness mentality mixed with good old fashioned arrogance, not what Australia needs in a coach. How to fix it, Pick youth, may as well set ourselves up for the next world cup now. Verbeek's going anyway , so piss him off now and let Arnold show us what hes going to (hopefully) do with the Mariners. Start with Holman, Beauchamp, Kennedy, Carney. If somebody can't run the 100m in 11.2 seconnds, drop them! Not sorry for the rant guys, but we may only win playing New Zealand.
Replace the Australian defence with the form defence of 2010 - The Relics defence
ReplyDeleteHat don't hold back, unleash the honds.
ReplyDeleteBeauchamp, Milligan, Neill and Vidosic for the back line.
ReplyDeleteEmerton, Bresciano, Grella and Kewell in the middle.
Ruskavytsya and Jesus up front