Due to the shortened football season and his work commitments, Max has had no choice but to retire from the team.
Although we may miss him on the field, we will not miss him off the field as he plans to be the Relics No.1 supporter and retain his leading roll in emptying the esky.
Thanks Max for your contribution to the team, see you soon.
And, I guess that leaves an opening in the team for a new (old) player, I wonder if anyone is interested, hmm...
P.s. Thumbs down to the CCF Association who have decided to make their job easier by shortening the season.
Due to the bad weather, last year was a bad year for many teams who missed playing a third or more of their games. Which not only ment an uneven comp but an expensive one as well.
This year we don't have to worry about the weather anymore because CCF has guaranteed a bad year to most of the football teams they are supposed to be working for.